Motivation for a 10k

Last year I told myself as the New Year came in that 2015 was going to be the year I raised money for charity, got fit, had long nails, manage people and have lots of fun with friends.

Most of the above were achievable, yet I didn’t account for the amount of time I would need to put all of it into action. My nails look perfect now and I’ve learnt how to keep them strong, we went on so many adventures as friends and I managed to get three promotions within one year.

I completely underestimated the amount of time that would be invested in work and friends and didn’t factor in improvement of my fitness at all, which therefore lead to a substantial lack of charity money being raised (although I did manage a measly £50!).

This year has seen a kick-start in my fitness regime and it’s worked wonders for my body and mind already. It’s amazing how good you feel about yourself after going to they gym regularly. No more feeling guilty when you see someone posting their running stories- because you’re right up there training alongside them.

It is very easy to feel those moments where you just want to stay under your duvet rather than facing the cold, post-hurricane weather, but you do need to go and get on with it. At the end of the day you will feel so much worse in yourself for not going and procrastination didn’t get me, or anyone else, anywhere at all.

There’s definitely a reason why Nike have the saying ‘Just Do It’ and this is what I have been telling myself each time my mind tries to make an excuse for not going. “Just do it Danielle, or you’ll feel worse for it later’.

The thing that really gets me off the couch is knowing that the race that I will be undertaking in May is to raise money for The Christie Charity and that every step I am taking is just putting me closer to raising the money for this great cause.

Please donate for this cause on my Just Giving page- do it for Snape: Click Here!

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