Why I’m boycotting Tinder… and why it sucks

Tinder is the new ‘blind date’ of the Y generation, except without Cilla Black to present and the opening round normally being in a shitty bar somewhere with a less-than perfect stranger.

It’s become an app that boasts a whopping 12 million matches a day globally, so however much people deny their use of it, it’s pretty darn popular and I can see why.

How perfect is a free app where you can get the opposite sex’s attention on tap and meet up with random hot people at the click of a button? I’m pretty sure my mum would scream ‘stranger danger’ if you think back to being a kid. The thought of meeting anyone from the internet used to be so taboo and yet now it seems to be the norm. Honestly, I’m surprised there hasn’t been a hike in murders in every city- and here are people worried about the ‘Manchester Pusher’ when there’s more pressing matters like this.

Originally I thought this app was brilliant- dates with a new guy every few days and if it didn’t work out, it was oh so easy to find a replacement. This idea of instant gratification is only good for the short term though, because after a while you eventually realise it’s like rummaging through a junk yard- you may find something shiny every now and then, but it’s still junk when it comes down to it.

The array of problems with the people on this site is so varied, you can’t even begin to guess sometimes and you see the stories online about horror stories yet don’t even know how many other people don’t share their ‘tinder nightmares’.

Tinder is effectively a place for the broken and down hearted souls of the world who need to fill a void for attention. I know, because I’ve been one of them. Sitting there beaming because some hot guy has matched with me and must think I’m hot too. Oh great- until we meet and it’s an awkward array of questions to figure out if the other person is ‘normal’.

What ever happened to dating the old fashioned way? Well, impatience is the answer to that age old question.

I expected that by going out and doing all of my hobbies that there would be a new conquest in no time but in reality the people we meet and befriend are actually few and far between when it comes to day to day life and it’s the impatience of wanting something there and then that gravitates people back onto tinder and it all makes sense.

Especially in this time of year when everyone has those winter blues and it’s so cold at night!

For the meantime though, I’ve decided that patience is a virtue and I will continue to nurture and build myself without the need for attention.

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