A recap on the past 2 (yes I said 2!?) years

Well hello everyone!

Here I am again writing blogs. It’s only been, what, 2 years?! What the FUDGE. Sorry got to keep it PC for the kids and all that.

How has it been so long?! It only felt like maybe a few months had past since my last post, not a few years.

It’s crazy how when you get older your life really does flash before your eyes. Grown ups would always tell that to me as a child, and now I’m considered a grown up I totally get what they are talking about.

When you’re younger you take everything the older generation says as some kind of “in” joke that they must be having to make you scared of growing older, and as you become older you kind of laugh along as it was one SICK joke that just happened to be true.

The hangovers are most certainly worse, and I have been struck by the illusive 2 day hangover now that I’m closer to thirty than I am twenty (*SOB!*). The years are also flying by and a large chunk of my friends and those people who have drifted away and become more like acquaintances, all seem to be married and having children.

At the ripe old age of 26, nearly 27, I am starting to feel like everyone is so ahead of me with all this. I mean, last year I got two kittens, and even that is too much responsibility for me at times. You can’t even just go home to see your family for Christmas without having to figure out where they need to go during that time. I can’t even start to imagine what it must be like with a child; it’s not like you can just send them off to a nursery for a week whilst you have some time off, can you?

I suppose that’s what the grandparents are there for right 😉

The past two years I have managed to change jobs into something I absolutely love and have been in a relationship and moved in with my boyfriend. It’s been such an eye opening experience working in a job where rotas aren’t a thing + weekends are a time for actually relaxing. Gone are the days of not being able to commit to plans because I didn’t have any idea if I’d be working or not + gone are the days of night shifts (THANK GODDDDDDD) If you’ve ever worked in hospitality you will totally be getting where I am coming from!

Nowadays I get to spend every week working all around the U.K staying in lovely hotels and visiting incredible places. This includes places like Pitlochry, Anglesey, St Mawes & The Lake District, among many others. I received a digital Sony camera for Christmas last year, and began my journey into photography and increasing my following on Instagram.

I got really into taking photos with the start of this new job in January, and had so much opportunity with my work to capture a variety of different locations without having to spend loads of my own money.

It was in July this year that I was on holiday in Tenerife with my friends, that I really started to work on getting a bigger following on my social media accounts, mostly Instagram. We were sitting around by the pool and I read a few articles and got to work. I quickly realised I needed better quality photographs and invested in a Canon 550D later in the year. Capture

I managed to go from 300 followers in July to 5700 now in December, with so many people asking me how I managed it, and they all get the same answer- HARD WORK. I’ve spent hours and hours scrolling through Instagram, learning from other users and also interacting with other like-minded people to get to where I am now and I’ve still a long way to go to reach my goals.

Hopefully by the end of next year I want to be over the 10,000 mark and be able to market other people’s products and make some extra cash on the side from it. If anyone has any tips – please send them my way as I’d love to hear more!

My next blog is going to be on how to make your Instagram account grow for free, with the steps I have used to get there myself. Stay tuned in by following me on Instagram, Twitter or my Facebook page @ForTheFeatures

D x



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