How to keep your skin fresh- the easy way

It’s taken it’s sweet time (not that I’m complaining) but winter is finally starting to creep in on us Brits. I’ve managed to avoid turning on the heating and having more than one layer on in the house for the past few months, but it’s time to accept that WINTER IS COMING.

One thing this means is the harsh elements battering your skin leaving it in a less than perfect condition so it’s time we all started taking action. Believe me, I do not have time to do anything drastic so here is a guide on the small things you can do to look after your youthful looks until the sun comes back.

Drink lots of water

This is something I find incredibly hard to do somehow. I’d much rather stick the kettle on and have a brew, quick to forget that this actually doesn’t help with rehydration. One way I’ve learnt to get this into my routine is by having a full glass in the morning, one with every tea (and there are many) and having at least two full bottles at the gym. Not only does it help clear out the toxins but it helps with energy in the morning for those of us who are not made for mornings like this guy…

Throw out the face wipes

They may seem quick and easy but they contain a lot of alcohol to maintain their “moisture” which then dries your skin out. They also move the make-up around your face rather than deeply cleaning it off. A better way is to use make-up remover with a soft pad and use cleanser, toner and moisturiser to finish. Moisturiser is the most important along with lip balm to prevent skin from cracking and peeling after being damaged from the cold, wintry air.

Don’t pick!

It may seem very tempting and we’ve all done it, but it really does damage the skin. I notice my skin is always so much more inflamed and oily if I’ve ever decided to touch my skin too much or ‘just get rid of that ONE blackhead’. It’s not worth it and your body will naturally cleanse itself if you just give it the time.

Every little helps

One thing that really did help my skin and was so simple was taking a daily multivitamin each morning. I put the pack next to the sink so that each morning as I went to brush my teeth they would be there as a reminder to take them. As someone who gets mad outbreaks due to hormones, these have helped to balance that out and prevent as many pimples surfacing at that time of the month.

Drop the spot creators

Certain foods trigger my skin to go into overdrive and simply keeping them to moderation can help contain it. Chocolate, coffee and alcohol are my top three villains and also my top three vices. I know that if I’m going to binge on the above my skin will suffer the consequences, and that’s okay with me sometimes.

Obviously these won’t help everyone as some skin conditions need medication, but these are some of the simple things that I’ve introduced easily into my life to keep breakouts at bay.

What skincare tips do you have? Share your comments below.






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